Monday, November 12, 2018

CC1, Week 11: ISA #2

Your second Independent Study Assignment will take place next week, however you can begin immediately if you prefer. It would be advisable to not wait until that day to begin! NOTE that we do not meet in class during an Independent Study Assignment.

The assignment is to redesign the cover of an existing video game. Your new design must incorporate a montage of figures and heads. For example, here is an existing video game cover...

There are four parts to your 2nd Independent Study Assignment:

1.) a page of rough, exploratory sketching (Goes in the Week 11 Sketchbook dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_BrainstormSketches)

2.) a minimum of four thumbnails (goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ThumbnailSketches)

3.) a full size pencil comp (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_Comp) NOTE that the design is now a montage of figures and heads.

4.) a jpeg of the actual existing video game box cover, as shown at the top of this post. (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ExistingDesign)

To earn marks you must submit all pages to the correct dropbox(es) PLUS the existing image - four files all together - in .jpeg or .png format only - do NOT zip your files. Files submit to the wrong dropbox will get a zero. Reread these instructions carefully before uploading!


* Draw the image area to the correct proportion.

* Draw guidelines for all typographic elements.

* Leave construction lines in place so I can tell you are using the stickman construction method when drawing figures and the proportion method when drawing faces.

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