The assignment is to redesign the cover of an existing video game. Your new design must incorporate a montage of figures and heads. For example, here is an existing video game cover...

There are four parts to your 2nd Independent Study Assignment:
1.) a page of rough, exploratory sketching (Goes in the Week 11 Sketchbook dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_BrainstormSketches)

2.) a minimum of four thumbnails (goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ThumbnailSketches)

3.) a full size pencil comp (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_Comp) NOTE that the design is now a montage of figures and heads.

4.) a jpeg of the actual existing video game box cover, as shown at the top of this post. (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ExistingDesign)
To earn marks you must submit all pages to the correct dropbox(es) PLUS the existing image - four files all together - in .jpeg or .png format only - do NOT zip your files. Files submit to the wrong dropbox will get a zero. Reread these instructions carefully before uploading!
* Draw the image area to the correct proportion.
* Draw guidelines for all typographic elements.
* Leave construction lines in place so I can tell you are using the stickman construction method when drawing figures and the proportion method when drawing faces.