Monday, October 29, 2018

Week Eight: Drawing the Head in Proportion

Your in-class (work-at-home) exercise for this week is to complete sketches of the human head in correct proportion. Your finished sketches should look like this:

Please use the naming convention(replacing my name with your own) LPeng_MaleHeadSketch.jpg (or .png)

Please use the naming convention(replacing my name with your own) LPeng_FemaleHeadSketch.jpg (or .png)

You can choose your own hairstyles for both these sketch pages.

To learn how to construct the human head like I did in these sketches, first watch this short video on drawing the head from a front view (ignore the instructors direction to watch the Part One video).

Then watch this second short video on drawing the head from a side view.

Follow the instructor's step-by-step process to complete your two sketch pages.

This Week's Sketchbook Assignment:

Sketch your own head using the construction method - one front view and one side view. Take a photo of your sketch with all the construction lines still visible. Now add finishing details - but add Hallowe'en makeup to one of the view. 

Your Hallowe'en makeup can include modifications to hair (i.e. as a werewolf) and/or features (fake ears, nose, etc.) but should not be a full face-covering mask (like a Friday the 13th Jason hockey goalie mask, or a Spider-Man mask). A partial mask (i.e. Captain America, Batman) is OK. Take a photo of your sketch with all the construction lines erased. You may add colour and/or background to this version. Please use the naming convention (replacing my name with your own) LPeng_SelfPortrait_Halloween.jpg (or .png)