Monday, December 3, 2018

ISA #3: Tattoo Shop Billboard

You are designing a billboard for a local tattoo shop: Hamilton Tattoo Parlour

The billboard is promoting a $100 gift certificate as a Christmas gift idea.

The headline "Christmas Decorations" must be included in your design, along with the name of the shop, their logo, their address, phone number and website URL.

Your design must include all or part of the face, figure and hands. Also consider what kind of decorative elements you can incorporate that suggest "Christmas". Last year the theme was 'Hennah Tattoo Salons' so these examples are not exactly the same as what you'll be doing (these students weren't required to show the figure - just face and hands)but you may still find these helpful:

Important: Remember that you are designing a billboard, a horizontal rectangle that is not the same proportion as your sketchbook page, so you cannot just come in one inch from the edge of the page when you sketch the image area. Google "billboard templates" and look at the typical shapes of billboards and choose one that looks like most billboards we see around Hamilton. Some of the examples above were not billboard-proportioned and subsequently lost marks.

There will be three pages of sketches to complete...

1.) A page of brainstorming sketches (goes in the Week Fourteen Sketchbook dropbox, file name: LPeng_ISA03_Brainstorms.jpg*).

2.) A page of four thumbnail sketches (goes in the ISA #3 dropbox, file name: LPeng_ISA03_Thumbnails.jpg*).

2.) A full page comprehensive sketch (goes in the ISA #3 dropbox, file name: LPeng_ISA03_Comp.jpg*).

*Substitute your name for mine in the file name)

All three pages are due in their correct dropbox at what would be the end of our regular class time during Week Fourteen (Exam Week).

We will not be meeting in class during Exam Week.

Creativity is key to getting a high mark. Think creatively about your billboard concept! To inspire you, here are a few examples of designs that use hands and faces in very creative and unexpected ways:

Monday, November 12, 2018

CC1, Week 11: ISA #2

Your second Independent Study Assignment will take place next week, however you can begin immediately if you prefer. It would be advisable to not wait until that day to begin! NOTE that we do not meet in class during an Independent Study Assignment.

The assignment is to redesign the cover of an existing video game. Your new design must incorporate a montage of figures and heads. For example, here is an existing video game cover...

There are four parts to your 2nd Independent Study Assignment:

1.) a page of rough, exploratory sketching (Goes in the Week 11 Sketchbook dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_BrainstormSketches)

2.) a minimum of four thumbnails (goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ThumbnailSketches)

3.) a full size pencil comp (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_Comp) NOTE that the design is now a montage of figures and heads.

4.) a jpeg of the actual existing video game box cover, as shown at the top of this post. (Goes in the ISA #2 dropbox. Naming convention (replace my name with your own): LPeng_ISA02_ExistingDesign)

To earn marks you must submit all pages to the correct dropbox(es) PLUS the existing image - four files all together - in .jpeg or .png format only - do NOT zip your files. Files submit to the wrong dropbox will get a zero. Reread these instructions carefully before uploading!


* Draw the image area to the correct proportion.

* Draw guidelines for all typographic elements.

* Leave construction lines in place so I can tell you are using the stickman construction method when drawing figures and the proportion method when drawing faces.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Week Eight: Drawing the Head in Proportion

Your in-class (work-at-home) exercise for this week is to complete sketches of the human head in correct proportion. Your finished sketches should look like this:

Please use the naming convention(replacing my name with your own) LPeng_MaleHeadSketch.jpg (or .png)

Please use the naming convention(replacing my name with your own) LPeng_FemaleHeadSketch.jpg (or .png)

You can choose your own hairstyles for both these sketch pages.

To learn how to construct the human head like I did in these sketches, first watch this short video on drawing the head from a front view (ignore the instructors direction to watch the Part One video).

Then watch this second short video on drawing the head from a side view.

Follow the instructor's step-by-step process to complete your two sketch pages.

This Week's Sketchbook Assignment:

Sketch your own head using the construction method - one front view and one side view. Take a photo of your sketch with all the construction lines still visible. Now add finishing details - but add Hallowe'en makeup to one of the view. 

Your Hallowe'en makeup can include modifications to hair (i.e. as a werewolf) and/or features (fake ears, nose, etc.) but should not be a full face-covering mask (like a Friday the 13th Jason hockey goalie mask, or a Spider-Man mask). A partial mask (i.e. Captain America, Batman) is OK. Take a photo of your sketch with all the construction lines erased. You may add colour and/or background to this version. Please use the naming convention (replacing my name with your own) LPeng_SelfPortrait_Halloween.jpg (or .png)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

CC2 Major Project: Letterforms in Your Environment

This week you are to doing field research, finding and photographing letterforms in your environment. Each student should assemble all their letterform photos onto a single 8 1/2" x 11" page like this example:

Important: If you haven't completed this step it won't be possible to complete the work in the next several weeks. Your priority right now should be completing and submitting your photo sheet ASAP!

Today in class we begin conceptualizing a poster design which will show all 26 of your letterforms in a creative, non-grid based framework. We begin by brainstorming ideas for either a vertical or horizontal format poster. Four thumbnails are to be completed in class or as soon afterwards as possible. Include some indication of values (shading) and the title "Found Object Letterforms by (Your Name)".

Here are a few examples of what your thumbnails should look like:

I will give you feedback on which concept has the most potential so you can begin working on a full page comprehensive sketch, which should be completed by the time we get to class in Week Three.

Here's what your comp should look like:

In class during Week Three I will hand out large sheets of paper which you will use to render the final version of your poster design.

Here's an example of what your full size final poster should look like:

You'll begin working on the final in class in Week Three and discuss how much time we'll be devoting to completing the final over the next few classes.

Monday, July 2, 2018

CC2 Summer Session, Week 1: Herb Lubalin's 'Type - O - Graphics'

Hour ONE:

Note: We will NOT be meeting at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Do this on your own and come at 9 a.m. prepared to discuss and sketch based on your research.

Read this article about Herb Lubalin. Do further research into Herb Lubalin... I will be asking you to tell me something I DON'T already know about Lubalin. This will be worth 50% of your in-class participation mark for tomorrow.

Google Image Search Herb Lubalin's logo designs.

Look specifically for "Beards" , "Mother & Child" , "Families" and other Lubalin "typographics"


Begin thinking of potential words that you could design into a Lubalin - style 'typographic'. We will be working on sketching your typographics during hours Two and Three tomorrow!