Step 1.
Subdivide the page into four quadrants with an approx. 1/4" gutter between the quadrants. Sketch four unique designs - one in each quadrant. Again, here's an example of some well done thumbnail sketches from a previous group of students...

This stage constitutes the first part of your sketchbook assignment for Week 4. When done, take a picture or scan this page, save as a jpeg and upload it into Week Four Sketchbook drop box. Please use the naming convention LPeng_MaynardsThumbnails.jpg (but switch out my name for your own name).
Step 2.
Choose what you feel is your strongest thumbnail design and create a full size pencil comp on this page.
Here's an example of a well done pencil comp from the last group of Semester 1 students...

When done, take a picture or scan this page, save as a jpeg and upload it into the ISA #1 drop box. Please use the naming convention LPeng_MaynardsComp.jpg (but switch out my name for your own name).
Both pages must be in the correct drop boxes by their respective deadlines (see our Canvas course page under the Assignments tab). You have one additional week to hand the comp in late - however there will be a penalty of 20%.